This tutorial is an walk through to install dotnet core on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Linux system. Also created a sample application using dotnet core.
Step 1 – Enable Microsoft PPA
First of all, enable Microsoft packages repository on your Ubuntu system. The Microsoft official team provides a debian packages to setup PPA on your system. Open a terminal on your Ubuntu system and configure Microsoft PPA by run the following commands:
Step 2 – Installing Dotnet Core SDK
.NET Core SDK is the Software development kit used for developing applications. If you are going to create a application or making changes to existing application, you will required .net core sdk package on your system. To install .NET Core SDK on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS system, execute the commands: To install the previous version of .Net Core SDK 2.1, type: Press “y” for any input prompted by the installer. That’s it. You have successfully install .Net core SDK on your Ubuntu system.
Step 3 – Install Dotnet Core Runtime Only
.NET Core Runtime is required for the system, where you only need to run application. For example, production or stating environments are required to run applications only. To install .NET Core Runtime on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS system, execute the commands: To install the previous version of .Net core runtime 2.1, type: Press “y” for any input prompted by the installer. That’s it. You have successfully install .Net core runtime on your Ubuntu system.
Step 4 – (Optional) Check .NET Core Version
You can use dotnet command line utility to check installed version of .NET Core on your system. To check dotnet version, type:
Step 5 – Create Sample Application
Let’s create a sample application with dotnet core on your Ubuntu system. Create a new console application with the command: The Above command will create dotnet application on your system. This will create a directory named “helloworld” in under the current directory. You can change to this directory and start working your application. Make your changes to application and execute below command to run this application. You will see the below output on terminal. 3
In this tutorial, you have learned to install .NET Core SDK and Runtime on a Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) Linux system.