So has content creation become the new “Money for Nothing”? Can’t just be all promoting new items, getting the perfect angle, and selecting the right filter for Instagram, right? Fortunately, Tiktok creator @fallenfoe pulled back the curtain for us with a “day in the life” video and showed us all his laborious process for his tech-driven channel. Wow, I’m exhausted from just watching that recap! Imagine getting all that done in a single day AND being able to document it, edit the video, and share it to social media without getting too distracted by Deadpool’s antics. Honestly, I’m rather impressed, mostly because I’ve never custom-built a PC tower, nor do I understand much of the specs he explained. It does sound very impressive.  The comment section seems to be well-informed and very impressed with th arduous life portrayed in this video. “Imagine having a finished pc🥹 I have a pc case, then a broken motherboard and some random ram and wires,” admitted MEKA. I’m a potato replied, “I mean, but ur pc looks so cool tho.” “Might as well start up your own pc builder company,” suggested SGT Bacalao, which does seem like a feasible option if the content creation is becoming so unbearable.